The Boulder Problem

Playground: Joost Marcelils
Category: 2D, Character Rigging, Character Animation, Illustration, Motion Design

Story – Message: Full body control. Complex twisting movements. Pushing your flexibility to the limit. These are the things that make bouldering a compelling and equally challenging sport. At first glance, the goal seems simple: climb a large rock. Yet, those who practice the sport know it to be an endless quest of problem-solving and ever-increasing challenges. While the finish might be clear, the path to get there is a puzzle in itself. All these elements make bouldering the perfect subject for a Bewyrd project. The goal? Translating the complex movements of a human body onto the screen. The path to get there? A puzzle to be solved.

Concept: To challenge his motion design skills – and in particular character rigging and animation – Joost set out on a mission to create his most ambitious and elaborate character rig to date. With bouldering as a case study, he expands on familiar techniques, while testing totally new rigging tools. Joost’s favourite sport provides all the complex challenges one could wish for in both real life as in a character animation project.

Mood: Bouldering, Climbing, Sports,After Effects, Duik Bassel plug-in
Style development
Building the character rig
Quick process breakdown
Concept: Joost Marcelis
Illustration: Joost Marcelis
Character Rigging: Joost Marcelis
2D Animation: Joost Marcelis
Made at BEWYRD

Special thanks: Marcel Sterk, Karin van Zon, Katrin Abir, Violet Ten Barge
The Boulder Problem


The Boulder Problem
